Saturday, February 17, 2007

things are happening abit too fast and i din really have time to pen my thoughts down. Here i am going off to Thailand for a four days short trip with my family. (kinda family routine every year). Anyway, happie chinese new year to all for those who are seeing my blog and for those who are going back to adelaide like me soon. For all those NSF, take good care of yourself and "enjoy" your slacking time in NS while you can.

Really so glad to recieve emails from some of you and heard that my jc classmate Ryan is coming over for a short trip in adelaide. Cool huh. It's really nice to have friends over visiting you when you are alone overseas, you know.

Take care and all the best for all of you. Have a safe journey for all those travelling!! (including me too)

will be back soon with more updates and posts... feel free to tag at my "barking place" yea?


11:51 AM

Monday, February 12, 2007

are good, but could be bad... i am an adventureous person, thus, open to any ideas ... So far, i guess there are tremandous improvement... =D *pat on dythe* *oopz* not mend for you to know... Yea, but let it be natural that would be betta, sudden change can make everything artifical, and changes only when u know i am leaving again... might be little too late.

BUT I have really enjoyed myself these days, thanks for bringing me around, feeding me good food and chilling out with me *freezing* on the tower. The hammering at toy"R"us, MaltiserTime and... u blushing like red bright bulb everything when i guessed correctly .... =x Great memories and is something to be remember of. That's why i am blogging it.

Remember, you are NOT a bad doggie okey... just a little careless sometimes okey =p ai se te ru

Honestly, I wonder when will u realise that I have been editing blog and blogging... knowing that you must have thought I never touch my blog. careless? may be u are just buzy... lol... buzy with me. optimistic point of view.


1:51 PM

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

never had a resolution ever in my life, so think of typing out one so that i can change for the better. I am open to ideas. But I lead my life. *tsk*

  • sleep earlier and MORE (8-9 hours / day)
  • apprepicate life around MORE
  • think before speak - "control" is the word
  • KCSKCSKCSKCSKCS need to be Ctrl-Alt-Del
  • be neater - that's like a mission impossible
  • be on time (dythe, be on time okey!!! *knock*)
  • TRY not to skip too many lecture - meaning that i will still skip IF necessary (ironic huh)
  • write to my friends more often
  • exerise more (once a week) and often (did only jog TWICE last year)

This is quite a handful already... i would stop here for this year. Hope everything would be lots and lots better for me after CNY!!!! The pure suayness has been around for like a month... *shake shake shake that off!* Good luck and all the best for everyone - especially me this year.

God Bless


12:29 AM

Monday, February 05, 2007

have been thinking quite alot recently... kinda lost the habit for like a year... used to think quite a lot but it din seems to help huh did it? Well, I am not the thinker thinker, but as least to sort out of my buzy life, things that have lost in the midst of life.

Search. And regain.



3:45 PM

Friday, February 02, 2007

doesn't seems to be a good year to me. It's gona be rough, i got pushed onto the road by this old man on skate on the very first day of this year. *my palm still pain even til now* the impact was really great. I actually flown about 30 cm off where i was (PS> I was on skate too, but stationary.) On the same day after class cycling to changyi, i was chawta and lost my watch on the way home - my 10 years old watch, with me since my primary 6th birthday. Gone.

Next up, I felt wasted at home, being the good doggie waiting for someone to play with when they are free. Like who will be free rite. Just wasted and i dun like the feeling of being a taxi. That's really not good coz i can't drive and i have NO drive.

So finally after so desperate request to friends about jobs, phy lent a helping hand; introduced me to a bookshop for part time work. It is sort of better. somehow, I felt that at least i am learning and won't be nagged at by my mom that i am doing nothing - besides when i am doing housechorse she shuts... else... if i am jus waiting to go out... u know...

Then, it was just two days ago, someone just broke one of my favour bottle of stars. interestingly, there were only 2 pieces of broken glass left on the table, the stars and the rest of the pieces where all gone. Frankly speaking, there could only be one person that is responsible to it, either my mom or my brother. But none said they knew about it, worst, most hated anwser "I don't know!" This is full of crap man.

And now... guess wad... i have just been thinking. Life is a bit boring. People are getting lazy to plan activities and of coz who would want to be the leader rite? The prefect picture seems to lose its colour. Is it me who are not understanding enough? or not giving enough effort? But what about ME? sometimes i do wonder if i am on the right track, board the right ship. i din ask for much, coz i expect things to be done. Come on, we are not kids anymore. Use ur Brain.

Well, all these sounded like coming out from a drama queen? I am no drama queen but i don't deny that i might have been whining too much? or Have i beeen victimising myself? I do get over things, but first i need to voice them out. Coz i am NOT happy. When it's all flushed out, it would be like a clear sky... Sadly, not in Singapore.


12:37 AM